Starting with a Stock STACYC
IRONe16 Biker Build off presented by STACYC – March 7, 2021
The IRONe Builders are the stars of the 1st Flying Piston Benefit & Builder’s Breakfast in Daytona.
Each builder will customize Harley-Davidson’s top-of-the-line model: the IRONe 16 Brushless, the extended range lithium-ion battery-powered electric balance bike.
Presented by STACYC, IRONe16 Biker Build Off
Builder: Chris Callen – Cycle Source Magazine – @cyclesourcemagazine

Chris Callen – Cycle Source Magazine
Mr. Callen builds a skinny chopper with springer, tanks, black-out light, sissy bar, and and new wheels for his IRONe Bike Build.
Builder: Evan Favaro – Speakeasy Motors – @speakeasymotors

Evan Favaro – Speakeasy Motors
Evan starts the process of building his IRONe Bike.
Builder: Scott Kietzmann – He heads the Florida-based custom bike building company: Conquest Customs. They started with Victory motorcycles and have transitioned to Indian sleds.

Scott Kietzmann’s build from Conquest Customs.
Scott is printing parts for his IRONe 16 build. Interview – 10 Questions with Scott Kietzmann on the industry and his bike building style.
Builder Tabor Nash – Nash Motorcycle – @nashmotorcycleco

Nash Motorcycle Co.
Wendell Turner – Turner Cycle Shop – @turnerscycleshop – Wendell has an eye for old-school bobbers and choppers. We are looking to see his old-school IRONe 16 build.

Windell Turner
Wendell starts his build and answers 10 questions about what he does and the fun he has doing it.
STACYC is an electric-powered push bike that bridges the gap between push bikes and bicycles /motorcycles. They provide a light weight, non-intimidating riding experience for kiddos. Can they compete with world-class motorcycle builders? Hang On. We shall see. 🙂

IRONe16 Biker Build off presented by STACYC – March 7, 2021
Flying Piston Benefit Breakfast
Get Your Tickets Now – Parking is free and tickets are available in advance for $20 ($25 at the door) at shop.brucerossmeyer.com.
Custom builders, industry celebs and riders in the know will be at Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona Harley-Davidson on Sunday morning, March 7, 2021, for the Flying Piston Benefit Builders Breakfast. This stellar meet & greet brings the motorcycle industry together to kick off Daytona Bike Week and support new rider initiatives.
The inaugural class of IRONe pro builders includes:
- Evan Favaro of Speakeasy Customs
- Scott Kietzmann of Conquest Customs
- Taber Nash of Nash Motorcycles
- Wendell Turner of Turner’s Cycles
- Chris Callen of Cycle Source Magazine.
Want to meet all the skateboard artists, and get the details on the auction items? Surf Over to the 2021 Daytona Flying Piston Event page.
About The Flying Piston: Flying Piston Charity Events are produced by Marilyn Stemp of Iron Trader News and Jeff Najar of Horsepower Marketing to assist in raising awareness and funds for non-profits and individuals in the motorcycle community. Contact: Marilyn Stemp, 828-205-8482.