Welcome to the 2021 Flying Piston Picture Gallery for the Flying Piston Benefit Builders Breakfast at the Buffalo Chip, Sturgis. Share this link and copy the images from this event. Pictures are shot by Jack McIntyre, a premier motorcycle industry photographer.

Steve Broyles Sports New Hair from Led Sled’s Latest Product: Chop Hair
2021 Flying Piston Picture Gallery
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About the Flying Piston Benefit
In early 2014 we started planning a Flying Piston Builders Breakfast in Sturgis. The Motorcycle As Art Exhibition at the Buffalo Chip, curated by Michael Lichter, was already solidly in place as part of the Rally framework. Why not, we thought, invite those builders to breakfast and encourage people to buy tickets for a celebrity-strewn meet & greet? When the Chip offered to host, we were on.

Marilyn Stemp and Woodie Enjoying the Flying Piston

Awesome Creative Artists – Scout, Sara Liberte, and Shayna Guy

Bill Dodge of Blings Cycle and Krystal Hess of Motorcycle Missions

A Rose between two Thorns – The new Easyriders Team, Ray Pelosi and Dave Nichols
Our Media Partners
We couldn’t do what we do without the support from the motorcycle community and our media partners. We appreciate the love!
Please visit us on our social media pages:
If you want to donate art or your time to support the Flying Piston Benefit and Builder Breakfast, connect with us.