Ever seen someone on social media that you new they would be a hoot to talk with and a blast to party with? That is Guy Salazar—a fun-loving artist from the left coast and this is his story.

Artist Guy Salazar Showcases Mushroom Head
Intro: HI! I’m a growing artist from Huntington Beach, CA now painting out of the Ozarks. My style is a blend of R-rated Ed Roth’s Rat Fink and The Simpsons.
QUESTION: When did you decide to pursue art as a career?
ANS: Thats a good question. It’s hard to want to do it for a living and kill the freedom of painting -how, when, and, where I want. But who wants a “real job”hahaha. I knew from a young age I wouldn’t have a normal 9 to 5.
QUESTION: How do you use computers in your work?
ANS: I try to stay as far away from computers as possible . Its definitely a tool when it comes to marketing and branding my art. Its my stuff can be seen world wide. I guess ita a love hate relationship.
QUESTION: What is your artistic training like?
ANS: I’ve had zero formal training. Luckily for me the art community is amazing and we all want to see each other grow.
QUESTION: What has been the high point of your career so far?
ANS: Being featured in Gnarly magazine is definitely up there but being able to pay a few bills doing what I love is definitely the high point.
QUESTION: What is the craziest story you have about being an artist?
ANS: I was set up at Harley Davidson and someone walked up to my booth grabbed an old saw i had painted abd started bending and twisting it in to knots asking me if i can play the saw. It was clear he couldn’t either…but definitely an interesting sight to see. No paintings were harmed.
QUESTION: Who is your favorite artist?
ANS: Theres so many amazing artists alive and dead it’s so hard to pick just one favorite. I guess I would pick myself. I’m the only artist that’s paid my bills… so far
QUESTION: What does Big Daddy Roth mean to you?
ANS: I couldnt imagine what this culture would be like without him. Definitely paved the road for artist like myself. I hope I can keep the art going strong like he did.
QUESTION: What is the most fun you have had being an artist?
ANS: I love vending all types of shows and meeting new people from different walks of life and seeing how people percieve my art.
QUESTION: Which style of art has the most impact your art?
ANS: The Simpsons. I remember as a young kid watching the movement of the lines as the characters moved. In that style of art, it makes light of any situation they got into.
QUESTION: Why breasts?
ANS: Lol! Why not? Thats not my work thats God’s work, and my paintings are just my way of showing appreciation.
QUESTION: What feelings or reactions do you hope to arouse in people who view your work?
ANS: I dont aim for any specific reaction or emotions…. but my art definitely gets its share. I was vending a vet bike show and some lady dry heaved looking at my stuff. Thats definitely a highlight for me.
QUESTION: From start to finish, how long does it take for you to create your work?
ANS: That all depends on what im doing. I paint to wide of a range of things it can be minutes to weeks
QUESTION: What music do you like to listen to when you work?
ANS: No music… I tend to get lost in the project and my thoughts on what to do next to make the best work i can.
QUESTION: What are you working on next? Any future plans or projects in the pipeline that we should look out for?
ANS: Nothing specific, just trying to grow in this new area and meet as many cool people as possible.
QUESTION: Is there anything else coming up that you’d like to mention?
ANS: I’m super excited to be part of the Lowbrow art show this year in St. Louis!
QUESTION: What direction are you heading in now?
ANS: Who knows. I just try and keep my brushes wet be positive and keep learning. So far it’s treating me well.
QUESTION: Who (living or dead) inspires you, and why?
ANS: Any old school artist. I love the storys they have and the traveling from town to town painting. What a great time to be alive.
QUESTION: What feelings, subjects or concepts inspire you as an artist?
ANS: I love seeing people smile and be happy. I get to see that every time someone lets me paint them something awesome. It’s a great feeling seeing them look at their new painting, and appreciate what I’ve created.
QUESTION: What is your favorite work that you’ve produced so far and why?
ANS: When I was a kid, I colored in a Halloween themed picture for the local grocery store and won a bunch of candy. That drawing showed me what it’s like to be rewarded for doing something I love.
QUESTION: For those thinking about turning a passion for art into a career, could you give any advice?
ANS: Practice, stay positive, practice, be open to learn from everyone and practice.
QUESTION: Any tips on how to get your work seen and get the commissions coming in?
ANS: Network!! Nothng beats just talking to people face to face at shows. Even on social media, make real conversations with real people. And dont forget to be positive.
QUESTION: What surprises you most about a career in art?
ANS: I love how the industry is one big family world wide. Its great to be apart of.
Check out Guy Salazar Artist Profile on his Instagram page.
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