A brush with… An in-depth interview with artist Lisa Kosarko Sotero on her cultural experiences and greatest influences. Lisa is an Official 2023 Daytona Bike Week “Art On Deck” artist.
Being an artist
Who is Lisa Kosarko Sotero—East coast artist, Lisa Kosarko Sotero, is an illustrator, sculpture, tattoo design artist, Lowbrow art lover, and craft beer label artist. She is enthusiastic about her NFT FunkyFlies project featuring her hand drawn art which sold out its OG collection in less than a month.
When did you decide to pursue art as a career?—”Oh my god, I have been literally drawing since I was born. My mom would just put paper and pencil in front of me and I would draw. I drew Charlie Brown when I was 3. She wrote it on the piece of paper, Charlie Brown. I still have it and I can see Charlie Brown,” explained Lisa
How do you see your relationship with computers? Is it a collaborator or simply a tool?—“Really bad, really, really, really bad. I mean, I’m getting better. I’m getting better with the coloring and everything. I’m analog in a digital world. And I still to this day draw pencil to paper and not on a computer like everyone else does. At the end when I’m done drawing it, I will put it on the computer and turn it into a vector and color it on there but 99% of my stuff is done on paper,” said Lisa.
What training do you have?—”Back in the 80’s I was graduating from High School, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. My art teacher asked my mom and dad to come in and she suggested I go to college for graphic design. I didn’t even know what graphic design was. So I went to college for graphic design and came out as an illustrator,” said Lisa.

Art by Lisa Kosarko Sotero
What has been the high point of your career so far?—”Right now. The FunkyFlies NFT has been a fun and exciting project. But that got me noticed by the guy that I’m partners with now doing NFT’s this has been huge for me. I now have followers from Romania, Ireland, Italy, and Singapore. I have people from so many countries that I talk to on literally daily that know my art, love my art, promote my art, and that means the world to me,” commented Lisa.
General questions
Who is your favorite artist?—“I have so many favorite artists that I love! Most recently I’ve been really loving the artwork from @cosmik_havik and @artworkbyjpg . The characters they create are so wild and fun and they are amazing artists. For inspiration, I run to them and I like anything that is just Lowbrow, fun, creepy, and just out there,” said Lisa.
What does Big Daddy Roth mean to you?—”I just love Ed Roth. He’s a favorite because I just love the Rat Fink. Ed and other lowbrow artists are also big influences,” stated Lisa.

Lisa Kosarko Sotero is big in NFTs with her FunkyFlies
You and art
What feelings or reactions do you hope to arouse in people who view your work?—“My art is full of Easter Eggs. I love little itty bitty details that you have to zoom in to find. There’s just little things that you didn’t expect to see like worms coming out of the teeth or maggots coming out of the eye hole, or little wristwatches on a leg,” detailed Lisa.
From start to finish, how long does it take for you to create your work?—”I do much of my work in my head first. From there it can take as little as 15 minutes to a couple of days,” said Lisa.
What music do you like to listen to when you work?—”I like 80’s music, classic rock and roll and smooth jazz,” stated Lisa.
What are you working on next?—”I’m working on a t-shirt line for a fitness business, skateboard deck, and a children’s book,” replied Lisa.

Lisa Kosarko Sotero: Lady of the Flies
Being inspired by art
Who (living or dead) inspires you, and why?—“Oh, my daughter is one of my inspirations because I want to show her what you can and can’t do,” explained Lisa.
What feelings, subjects or concepts inspire you as an artist?—“I love to create art that evokes emotion whether it be nostalgia or humor or even the creepy vibes, I just want my art to connect to people” said Lisa.

My Favorite Piece
What is your favorite work that you’ve produced so far and why?—“I love the flies and I love my Heron beer labels. It’s often the last piece of art that I do is the favorite one. But I have this upcycled monster lid that is just awesome. So I would say this is it,” said Lisa.
An Artist’s Advice
For those thinking about turning a passion for art into a career, could you give any advice?—“Look for a creative outlet, find your niche and something that you really love and work hard.” said Lisa.
Any tips on how to get your work seen and get the commissions coming in?—“Any contests you see, enter a contest, any place you could put your artwork out for free do that. Even use LinkedIn, post your stuff on there or anywhere. Anything that offers free anything, put it out there,” said Lisa..
Check out Lisa Kosarko Sotero’s Art:
Instagram– Lisa Kosarko Sotero
Pinterest – My Art
Instagram– NFT – FunkyFlies
More Details:
- Meet all the 2023 Art on Deck artists
- Connect with the Flying Piston Team
- Click here for the details on the 2023 Flying Piston Benefit event.
About The Flying Piston: The 2022 Sturgis edition of the Flying Piston Benefit is produced by Marilyn Stemp of Iron Trader News and Jeff Najar of Green Forest Brand.
Our work raises awareness and funds for non-profits and individuals in the motorcycle community, vets, and kindergartners. For more information, please contact marilynstemp(at)gmail.com, 828-205-8482. To get involved with the Piston, click here. Enjoy the 2023 Daytona Bike Week and we hope the relief from winter is just what the Doctor ordered.
Art provided by Atomic Bob and Lisa Kosarko Sotero, and Gratisography.
But wait, there’s more:
We have more interviews with artists that have provided outstanding art for the Flying Piston Benefit. Click here to see more artist interviews.