Artist Guy Salazar

Artist Guy Salazar

Artist Guy Salazar Creates Mr. Mushroom Head Deck for the “Art on Deck” Competition”

Guy Explains the Board Design:

    At first I was going to go in a different direction with the board. With the storm hitting I lost a lot of time. I wanted it to maintain the gnarly mag ratfink style and still be trippy so I did the mushroom Rat Fink. So I sat down and sketch out how I wanted the shroom to look. I went and picked up some spray paints and just grabbed 5 colors. I like to think I’m an artist of feel. So I let the colors talk. The board just came together. Is it 60s probably not. But it’s cool and someone will love having it!

To get all the information on our 2024 Sturgis event, Click on the Flying Piston Benefit Event Page.

People ask that all the time, “Where are the New Motorcycle Riders?” Well, we have looked high and low and found them.

Right now, they’re in kindergarten! And we support the sport of motorcycling by starting kids out on the right path: on 2 wheels! Proceeds from the breakfast and auction put bike riding programs into P.E. classes across the US. Also, a portion of the proceeds goes to Motorcycle Missions, supporting veterans with PTSD.


Guy Salazar Flying Piston Benefit Sturgis AuctionAbout The Flying Piston: The  Flying Piston Benefit is produced by Marilyn Stemp of Iron Trader News &  Jeff Najar of Horsepower Marketing.  Funds are raised to train kindergartners on how to ride bikes by donating balance bikes to P.E. kindergartner classes. We’ve assisted in training over 200,000 kids across the USA. We also focus on VETS. To help out and to join the team, click here.