Welcome to 2023 Flying Piston Benefit Builder Stugis Breakfast @ The Buffalo Chip

Meet us at the Big Engine Bar at the CrossRoads
- Where: At the Buffalo Chip in the BIG ENGINE BAR at the Cross Roads. Located halfway down the strip. – Map It
- When: Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! Join us Sunday, August 6th: 8:30-11:00AM at Buffalo Chip
- Benefit: Proceeds go to Allkidsbikes.org and Motorcycle Missions
- Tickets: Coming Soon
- Silent Auction Details: Coming Soon
Where are the new motorcycle riders?
People ask that all the time. Well, we have looked high and low and found them.
Right now, they’re in kindergarten! And we support the sport of motorcycling by starting kids out on the right path: on 2 wheels! Proceeds from the breakfast and auction put bike riding programs into P.E. classes across the US. Also, a portion of the proceeds goes to Motorcycle Missions.
Featured Builders and Artists
Come out and meet artists Barbie the Welder and Lora Wilkinson. They are incredible ladies and artists. Our featured builder is Florida-based Athena Ransom a.k.a. “The Vagabond Chickie.”
See The 2023 Tiny Custom Strider Bikes by World-Class Custom Builders
We are delighted to have an all-star group of builders for the 2023 Flying Piston Benefit Custom Strider program. The design parameters are wide open so we are expecting some out-of-the-box thinking and customization.
2023 Pro Builders
The pro builders include Nick Trask (Trask Turbos), Ryan Kreusi (Kreusi Originals), Jeff Zielinski (NAMZ, Badlands, Electric Lighting), Rodney Smith (Southeastern Customs), Billy sPACEy Lyons, and Jeremy Valentine (Joker Cycle Works).
2023 Flying Piston Student Strider Chop-Off
New for 2023 are Student Strider Chop Off builders from 5 schools across the US. The participating schools are: Pine Bush High School, Pine Bush, NY; Lakeville North High School, Lakeville, MN; Helping With Horsepower at Abbot House, Ethan, SD; Mitchell Technical College, Mitchell, SD; and WyoTech, Laramie, WY.
The Daytona Skateboard “Art on Deck” Contest presented by Gnarly Magazine
20 artists from across the country are supporting the Flying Piston Benefit. Each artist will be designing a deck and each deck will be available at the silent auction on March 6th.
Meet the 2023 Art on Deck Artists
Many of the artists come from Lowbrow, Hot Rod, and tattoo backgrounds. Some are self taught and others have gone through extensive training. Click here to meet them.
The Sturgis “Drink the Art” Contest presented by BIG FRIG
Meet the 2023 Drink the Art Artists
Click here to meet them.
Christmas in August
Christmas in August – This has become the most exciting silent auction in our history of producing charity events. It has something for everyone.
Our auction is a excellent time for you to plan for your Christmas holiday and buy for a significant other and do good at the same time. We find that our supporters really enjoy helping kindergartners learn to ride and provide a skill for life.
Now a word about our Sponsors