Rayna Terror (her artist name) enthusiastically said that she feels she might have pigeonholed herself by painting horror images on butcher knives, machetes, and swords.
If it slices and dices, Ms. Terror adorns the weapons with the intricate oil renderings of Jason, Freddy Krueger, Pinhead, and other supernatural serial killers.
After reviewing her Instagram account, @rayna_terror, you get this lover of the cutlery has a strong Elvira, Morticia, and Wednesday vibe. So, if you are looking for a sexy Morticia artist, you’ve come to the right place.

Painting horror images on butcher knives, machetes, and swords.
The Terror competed in the Flying Piston Benefit Art-on-Deck presented by Gnarly Magazine competition. She painted a skate deck, and we had a chat about her artistic proclivities.
Flying Piston Benefit: Who are your customers?
Rayna Terror: They are people that enjoy horror movies and cult classics. I think the majority of my followers are from Mexico. (Ahhhh, an international artist!).
Flying Piston Benefit: So you’ve got a big following of people that are interested in horror art?
Rayna Terror: Yeah, I think people just like the fact that it’s painted on weapons and it’s different. I don’t think many people have seen that.

Exploring Horror Art with Rayna Terror
Flying Piston Benefit: So what type of weapons are we talking here?
Rayna Terror: I started off with machetes and then kinda branched out. Right now I’m working on two Breaking Bad ones on giant spoons… may be in bad taste, but that’s okay. (HAHAHA) I have a matrix one too. Actually, I have a whole bunch of spoons I’m trying to knock out with movies that pertain to them.
Flying Piston Benefit: Well, I also see that you’ve got kind of this Elvira vibe going for yourself. Is that a planned thing, and can you talk about how that vibe has worked for you?
Rayna Terror: I’ve just always kind of leaned toward the macabre, right? And well, Elvira’s not Amish, she’s kind of this sexy, campy character. It’s great. I think I’ve been Elvira, Wednesday and Morticia more times than I can count as a kid for Halloween.
Flying Piston Benefit: Talk about what kind of training you’ve had?
Rayna Terror: Well, I’ve always done art since I was young. But formally, I got a bachelor’s in graphic design at SDSU. I got it, but hate doing it. It just never really felt like ‘art’ to me. Think I only chose it because I didn’t think I could sell my paintings. But then I tried it, and found out I could, so that’s awesome. Now, I’m back in school now for psychology.
Flying Piston Benefit: Psychology? Talk about that.
Rayna Terror: Yeah, I’d actually like to mix psychology and art. Haven’t figured out how quite yet. Some way to blend the two together to kind of offer therapy to people.
Flying Piston Benefit: All right. So, what music do you listen to when you work?
Rayna Terror: Depends on my mood… If I need to work fast, I’ll put on some Speed Metal like Gamma Ray, Hammerfall, Tokyo Blade. Sometimes it’s an old school fix like Sam Cooke. But if I really need to focus and work for long periods of time it’ll be something like Fariborz Lachini (a pianist).
Flying Piston Benefit: : These music genres really help you get into a flow?
Rayna Terror: For sure. Music is fascinating. They’ve even done studies about termites eating faster when listening to rock music.
Flying Piston Benefit: So that’s why my old AC/DC vinyl disappeared after a termite infestation!
Flying Piston Benefit: Who, living or dead, inspires you?
Rayna Terror: Caravaggio, as far as art painting goes.
Flying Piston Benefit: Who?
Rayna Terror: You don’t know who that is?
Flying Piston Benefit: I know Atomic Bob!!!
Rayna Terror: I think Caravaggio is a little older than the Atomic one as he is a Renaissance painter. (Haha).
Flying Piston Benefit: So talk about the work that you’ve done that is your favorite piece.
Rayna Terror: It would have to be one of my last pieces. Probably Ronald McDonald
Flying Piston Benefit: Now that’s a great answer.

Rayna Terror’s Favorite piece
Flying Piston Benefit: So, for those people thinking about turning art and passion into a career, could you give them any advice?
Rayna Terror: Just do it. Don’t think about it. I’ve wasted so much time thinking about it and feeling like my art wasn’t good enough. I think if I knew I could sell my art and make a living off of it when I was back in college, I wouldn’t have taken graphic design and would have pursued my dreams far sooner.
Well talking with the Rayna Terror was a delight. She has a great voice and her laughter is uplifting. Also, her art is kind of crazy. (in a good way).

Rayna Terror’s Rat Fink skate deck
She created a Rat Fink skate deck for the Flying Piston Benefit that is very cool.
Find the Rayna Terror:
- Click here for @rayna_terror Instagram
- Click here for Horror Weapons
Click here for the details of the 2024 Edition of the Flying Piston Benefit in Daytona, FL.
About The Flying Piston: The Flying Piston Benefit is produced by Marilyn Stemp of Iron Trader News & Jeff Najar of Horsepower Marketing. Our work raises funds for non-profits and individuals in the motorcycle community, vets, and kindergartners. To help out and to join the team, click here.
Picture courtesy of Rayna Terror