About the Ricky “Bongos” Galecki Custom Strider Build
Ricky Bongos has been a staple in the Chopper community by building custom motorcycles professionally since 2001. Upon his move to Las Vegas from NYC in 2008, he began designing and fabricating his own line of custom chopper parts.
He brought his sons into this build to look for some out-of-the-box thinking. He got it!

Team Ricky Bongos Creating a custom Strider design

Completed design ready for production
About his Tiny Custom Strider Build: What makes this tiny Strider special is that it’s the exact bike both my sons learned how to ride on. We started with a very used (and loved) Strider, rather than customizing something new.
My sons designed how they wanted it to look and helped tear down the old bike and fabricate a stretched BMX race style bike from the original frame. All plating is REAL 24k GOLD to accentuate the hot rod HOK green flake paint.
This bike has a wonderful history and soul to it and I hope whoever wins this enjoys it as much as my family has!

Team Ricky “Bongos” Galecki’s completed custom Strider build
Ricky included his two young sons in this Strider build, asking their advice on style and design at the start then bringing them into the shop to turn wrenches, too.
You can be sure to find Ricky throwing his Wild Vegas Chopper Party at motorcycle rallies all over the USA!
To get all the information on our 2024 Sturgis event, Click on the Flying Piston Benefit Event Page.
People ask that all the time, “Where are the New Motorcycle Riders?” Well, we have looked high and low and found them.
Right now, they’re in kindergarten! And we support the sport of motorcycling by starting kids out on the right path: on 2 wheels! Proceeds from the breakfast and auction put bike riding programs into P.E. classes across the US. Also, a portion of the proceeds goes to Motorcycle Missions, supporting veterans with PTSD.
About The Flying Piston: The Flying Piston Benefit is produced by Marilyn Stemp of Iron Trader News & Jeff Najar of Horsepower Marketing. Funds are raised to train kindergartners on how to ride bikes by donating balance bikes to P.E. kindergartner classes. We’ve assisted in training over 200,000 kids across the USA. We also focus on VETS. To help out and to join the team, click here.