Meet Strider & Harley Builder Dan “Cabana Dan” Rognsvoog.
He builds some of the nation’s most excellent custom scoots. And now he is taking his talent an applying it to a Strider Balance Bike for the Flying Piston Benefit Builder Breakfast in Sturgis, 2022.

Meet Cabana Dan Rognsvoog: Custom Strider Builder
Cabana Dan Rognsvoog (@cabanadanrogns) has been building custom motorcycles since the late 90’s. His first build was a 1979 HD Sportster that featured a homemade turbo and nitrous oxide.
He took 3 rd place at the Easyriders Show in Chicago (1998) for the Judged Radical Class. He then went on to win 1st Place in Judged Sportster class at Easyriders Show in Columbus OH (1998).

Custom Work from Cabana Dan
Since then, his builds have appeared at Mama Tried, Cycle Showcase STL, Michael Lichter’s exhibitions at the Buffalo Chip (Passion Build, What’s the Skinny, Built for Speed), Fuel Cleveland, Detroit Antique Motorcycle (D.A.M.) show, and the Handbuilt Show. His bikes have been featured in Hot Bike, Hot Bike Japan, Cycle Source, Heavy Duty (Australia), Easyriders, and American Iron. The Drag Specialties Old Book (2020-2021) showcased his Panhead.
Meet Cabana Dan Rognsvoog
Dan believes in paying it forward and has volunteered with youth motorcycle build programs in Milwaukee and Sturgis. He has a heart of gold and has a good word for everyone he meets. Here are a few links to his builds:
Plan on attending the 2022 Sturgis Flying Piston Benefit Builder Breakfast on August 7th and meeting Cabana Dan in person! Check him out on Instagram – @ cabanadanrogns
Also Meet Featured Artists Darren McKeag & Billy Lane

Take a picture of you on Darren’s and Billy’s custom bikes
Check out our Headliners’ Darren Mckeag and Billy Lane:
- Instagram – @mckeagart
- Instagram –
- Facebook – Darren McKeag
More Details:
- Get your ticket and meet Cabana Dan, Billy Lane & Darren Mckeag
- Connect with the Flying Piston Team
- Get all the details of the 2022 Flying Piston Benefit Builders Breakfast
About The Flying Piston Benefit Builders Breakfast
The 2022 Sturgis edition of the Flying Piston Benefit is produced by Marilyn Stemp of Iron Trader News and Jeff Najar of Green Forest Brand.
Our work raises awareness and funds for non-profits and individuals in the motorcycle community, vets, and kindergartners.
For more information, please contact marilynstemp(at), 828-205-8482. To get involved with the Piston, click here. Enjoy the rally and we hope the Sturgis Buffalo Chip 2022 Lineup is just what the Doctor ordered.