We’re on a mission to teach every child in America how to ride a bike in kindergarten PE class.
Thank you for stopping in and learning more about the Flying Piston Benefit and Builders Breakfast. We are looking for support and partners to Donate Auction Items to the Flying Piston Benefit .
Program Recap
- What We Do: We produce charity events with proceeds going to All Kids Bikes and Motorcycle Missions (Kids and Vets)
- We do 2 programs a year, one in Sturgis and one in Daytona
- The charity breakfast and silent auction is held on the 1st Sunday of each rally
- The silent auction is online and is accessed anywhere from a smart phones
- We provide 2 tickets to the breakfast for each sponsor
- Click here for the Flying Piston Benefit brochure
Listed below is the 2022 Sturgis Program:
We are keeping the sport of motorcycling alive by training future riders in P.E. Class. We use our charity auction to fund kindergarten PE classes with bikes. We just finished our Daytona event and the funded Ormond Beach Kindergarner P.E. Class. Now, we are getting ready for Sturgis.
This is how the Flying Piston Benefit and All Kids Bikes are doing:
At Daytona Bike Week and the Sturgis Rally we host the Flying Piston Benefit Builder’s Breakfast Charity Auction with proceeds going to our future.
We Believe…
- Kids need to ride bicycles in order to transition to motorcycles
- Our goal is to get every kindergarten P.E. class teaching the kiddos how to ride a bike
- By teaching kids to ride in kindergarten, they have a skill for life
- Once they are ready for a motorcycle, the transition is extremely easy
How To Help
Help us support the future of motorcycling by donating auction items to our Industry breakfast:
Ship Items to:
Marilyn Stemp
C/O Flying Piston Benefit
229 Brambleton Court
Winston Salem, NC 27106
It all Starts With Your Donations

Donate Auction Items to Flying Piston Benefit
Proceeds go to our future.
Attend the Daytona Bike Week Flying Piston Benefit Breakfast Charity Auction on Sunday, March 6th: 9 – 11:30AM at Bruce Rossmeyer’s Harley-Davidson.
If you would like to contact us, click here for the Flying Piston Team

Donate Auction Items to Flying Piston Benefit
Help Us, Help You
Our focus is to help the motorcycle industry. But through your support, we are helping kids learn a skill for life.
Each participating school receives bikes and equipment and hundreds of kids learn to ride! Life is good. The world is a little better place. And the sun shines just a little brighter.

Keeping the Sport of Motorcycling Alive
Every donation comes with two complimentary tickets to the Flying Piston Breakfast Benefit at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip.
If you have questions, please connect with us.
Jeff Najar, Co-Producer
About The Flying Piston: The Successful 2022 Daytona Flying Piston Benefit is produced by Marilyn Stemp of Iron Trader News and Jeff Najar of Horsepower Marketing. Our next charity event is 2022 Sturgis. Our work raises awareness and funds for non-profits and individuals in the motorcycle community, vets, and kiddos. Visit www.flyingpistonbenefit.com or contact: marilynstemp@gmail.com, 828-205-8482. To get involved with the Piston, click here.