Busy Busy Busy, doesn’t even explain the photo life of Chopper Dave. (He is one of our Flying Piston Benefit Shooters.)

Post by Jack McIntyre, Images by Chopper Dave

As he runs all over Florida, Chopper Dave brings you whatever is in his path. Below is the Memorial Day festivities he recently submitted at the HOUSE OF CHOPPERS NATION. Memorial Day festivals in Daytona Beach, and St. Pete Bands on the Beach. Enjoy the images, look for yourself or your friends.

Chopper Dave’s Pics from Daytona, Memorial Day festivals

Chopper Dave Shoots Daytona during 2024 Memorial Day

Chopper Dave Shoots Daytona during 2024 Memorial Day

Chopper Dave Shoots Daytona during 2024 Memorial Day

Nightlife during Memorial Day Weekend in Daytona Beach, FL

Chopper Dave Shoots Daytona during 2024 Memorial Day

Chopper Dave on the roam in Daytona Beach, FL.

See More Chopper Dave Pics from Daytona

See more Memorial Weekend nightlife in Daytona Beach, FL and St. Pete Bands. CLICK right here for more pics.


People ask that all the time, “Where are the New Riders?” Well, we have looked high and low and found them.

Right now, they’re in kindergarten! And we support the sport of motorcycling by starting kids out on the right path: on 2 wheels! Proceeds from the breakfast and auction put bike riding programs into P.E. classes across the US. Also, a portion of the proceeds goes to Motorcycle Missions, supporting veterans with PTSD.


Flying Piston Benefit Sturgis AuctionAbout The Flying Piston: The  Flying Piston Benefit is produced by Marilyn Stemp of Iron Trader News &  Jeff Najar of Horsepower Marketing.  Funds are raised to train kindergartners on how to ride bikes by donating balance bikes to P.E. kindergartner classes. We’ve assisted in training over 200,000 kids across the USA. We also focus on VETS. To help out and to join the team, click here.