Before you start a journey of 1,000 miles, you need to get on your stock bike and test it out. Bob and Jackson test out the off-road capabilities of the stock little ripper.
About Custom Builder Bob Kay
As a third generation Harley biker, Bob was bit by the motorcycle bug at 10 years old.
He was raised with stories of his grandfather’s factory-ordered white, gold striped 1929 JD. “It was the Holy Grail as far as we were concerned,” said Bob.
His biking life took off from there.
“I started working in the motorcycle business in 1971 as a new-bike set-up tech for a Honda race shop. I ran my first motorcycle distribution company in 1979. I invested in Nempco in 1983 and became a partner running the day-to-day operations and purchasing. In 1992 we became part of Tucker Rocky and I became a vice president and the general manager of Bikers Choice. In 2002 I joined American Iron Horse as Chief Operations Officer and in 2005 accepted a position with Hard Bikes as Vice President of Sales.”
Bob is currently leading the Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket, a sub-set of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, to protect the right to repair and modify motorcycles for independent dealers and custom builders. His barn houses 20 modified motorcycles, a couple of hot rods, and several current custom motorcycle builds.
STAYCYC Build Gallery
It takes a village for Bob Kay Custom to build a custom STACYC Harley-Davidson chopper for the Flying Piston Benefit. You need a strong design team. Bob and his grandson Jackson designed this cool bike build.

Bob Kay & Jackson builds this Custom STACYC Harley-Davidson
Design: @bobkzcustomkult
Builder: @threetwochoppers
Paint: @juanv.porras
Meet all the 2024 Custom STACYC builders.
About The Flying Piston: The Flying Piston Benefit is produced by Marilyn Stemp of Iron Trader News & Jeff Najar of Horsepower Marketing. Our work raises funds for non-profits and individuals in the motorcycle community, vets, and kindergartners. To help out and to join the team, click here.