Working with KIRSH Helmets to teach Kids to Ride Bikes
I spoke with Donnie Devito, CEO of KIRSH Helmets, about how to Teach Kids to Ride Bikes. And that teaching kids to ride is the 1st step in getting them on a motorcycle when they are ready.
Promotions – The biggest challenge in producing the Flying Piston Benefit is promoting the program to increase participation. The more promotion, the more participation, and the more bikes for kids.
Donnie came up with an idea to co-promote the Flying Piston Benefit with the Paint Slinger Shootout Competition, a competitive artist competition on KIRSH Helmets, through commissioning an artist to create a one-off design for a KIRSH Helmet to be auctioned off at the Flying Piston Benefit. The custom helmet would then be used as a promo for the Paint Slinger in 2022.
Furthering the idea, 50% of the helmets in the Paint Slinger Shootout competition would come back to the Flying Piston Benefit to be auction off at the events in Daytona and Sturgis. This program benefits KIRSH in added exposure and assists The Flying Piston in expsure to artists and the motorcycle community.
We are still working through the program. And hope to have the project developed in June.
About KIRSH Helmets
A KIRSH Motorcycle Helmet is 100% America-made. The helmet is more efficient at handling kinetic energy created in motor vehicle accidents. It reduces rotational acceleration more than any other motor vehicle crash helmet.
The helmet called “Kinetic Impact Reactive Safety Helmet” (KIRSH) and uses patented silicone technology to reduce impacts during crashes.

Fluid displacement technology is the most effective way to reduce head injuries
The liner is constructed of platinum-cured medical-grade silicone. The liner is injected with a high-quality silicone fluid. The silicone is quality tested by a chemist to ensure the formula is up to specifications.
Business Collaberation – We look to collaberate and co-promote with firms to promote the sport of motorcycling. Click to to start a discussion with the Flying Piston Benefit team.
The KIRSH Helmet is painted by Krambos Motorcycle Shop.