The Z1R Jackal Helmet is featureed in the Paint Slinger Shootout

Painting Z1R Jackal Helmet

Painting Z1R Jackal Helmet

We began looking for a manufacturer in the fall of 2023 to team with the Flying Piston Benefit auction and the Paint Slinger Shootout program. We found the perfect firm, Parts Unlimited and their Z1R Jackal lid. A few of the reasons we were so high on working with them is because of all the features built into this popular helment. They include:

  • Temperature control—by the adjustable chin and top intake and exhaust vents
  • The scratch-resistant, anti-fog face shield
  • Interchangeable drop-down sun visor
  • Aerodynamic shell providing less buffeting

The Paint Slinger Shootout is a program where we provide helmets to artists from across North America. And they use the helmets as their palette. We provide two themes. In 2024 the themes were Freestyle and 1960’s psychodelic.

The artists pulled off another round of outstanding work. Highlighted below are a few of the lids that were won at the auction:

Painting Z1R Jackal Helmet

The proceeds from the auction goes to the ALL KIDS BIKE charity. It was a good time had by all.


To get all the information on our 2024 Sturgis event, Click on the Flying Piston Benefit Event Page.

People ask that all the time, “Where are the New Motorcycle Riders?” Well, we have looked high and low and found them.

Right now, they’re in kindergarten! And we support the sport of motorcycling by starting kids out on the right path: on 2 wheels! Proceeds from the breakfast and auction put bike riding programs into P.E. classes across the US. Also, a portion of the proceeds goes to Motorcycle Missions, supporting veterans with PTSD.

Painting Z1R Jackal HelmetAbout The Flying Piston: The  Flying Piston Benefit is produced by Marilyn Stemp of Iron Trader News &  Jeff Najar of Horsepower Marketing.  Funds are raised to train kindergartners on how to ride bikes by donating balance bikes to P.E. kindergartner classes. We’ve assisted in training over 200,000 kids across the USA. We also focus on VETS. To help out and to join the team, click here.